ATTENTION: Urgent News For Busy Women . . . 

Discover the Secret Protocol This Instagram Influencer Used to Burn Fat, Increase Her Energy, and Unlock Her Former Physique

Starting TODAY, you can blast the FAT OFF and 

Hi, my name is Carli!

I’m a business owner, fitness coach, Instagram influencer, and mother of THREE!

My purpose in life is to help other women lose weight WITHOUT torturing themselves with endless hours in the gym or restrictive diets. 


Because I want to help you avoid making the same mistakes I did to stay fit.

You see, when I had my first baby I overheard a negative comment about the way I looked. 

I purchased meal plans and exercise guides, but immediately felt overwhelmed and defeated by how intimidating they were to follow.

I had a business to run, workouts and meal plans that didn’t fit into my schedule anymore. 

I was battling postpartum anxiety.

On top of that, I had brain fog and was shutting down. I was losing hope that I’d ever get back to the fierce woman I once was.  

I was miserable and that’s no way to live. 

I decided to find a simpler way to lose weight and stay fit WITHOUT counting calories, doing hours of cardio every day, or restricting my diet. 

And I discovered a simple way to use my body to work for me, not against me… to turn it into a 24/7 fat-burning machine! 

And this is what I want for you too, Babe! 

Your body is amazing…It just may not be working the way it should be. 

But don’t worry, I’ve got you. 

Together, we’ll get it working right again, so you can live the life you’ve always wanted!

How to Reboot Your Metabolism So You Become a 
Fat-Burning Machine

If you’re anything like me, you know that most weight loss programs are SO time-consuming with intense tracking, weighing, and hours in the gym. 

You know programs that require:  

Working out like crazy doing super strenuous exercise and lots of hours...

Starving yourself with restrictive crash diets…

Spending a ton of money on everything that puts bandages on the problem (cool sculpting, expensive pre-made meal plan meals, diet pills, bigger clothes)... 

And I found that when I followed these diet programs, they were so restrictive that I actually felt more self-conscious about my body. 

Do you know the feeling? 

My breakthrough came after months and months of research, failures, and relentless determination. 

One day I found the perfect weight loss solution. And I finally went from feeling inadequate to fiercely confident as I watched my body transform. 

I was able to get a six pack after having my first baby and was more fit than I was before my pregnancy!

My nearly 90,000 followers on Instagram were noticing too! 

Once they saw my results, they started begging me to help them transform their bodies, lives, and confidence too. 

I became the loving and encouraging coach that they trusted to help them get the body of their dreams, so they could feel confident in the bedroom, dressing room, and boardroom. 

Are you ready to be the next success story using my secret, simple metabolism reboot?

This method has benefited me, even through my breast cancer journey. 

Before I do, l want to tell you what I found...

I Did All The Hard Research So You Don’t Have To…

If you want to use this “reboot” to unlock your fierce body… 

Then you need a little Dr. Benjamin Bikman in your life. 

Why? Because Dr. Benjamin Bikman earned his Ph.D. in Bioenergetics, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School and is currently a professor of pathophysiology, as well as a biomedical scientist at Brigham Young University in Utah. 

And he says, “Insulin resistance is the most common health disorder in the world!”

“It affects over half of all adults in the U.S. and it may even affect up to 88% of the adult U.S. population!” 

So what does this have to do with you unlocking your fierce body? 

Well, insulin resistance connects to almost every chronic disease, including heart issues, Hypertension, liver problems, and even infertility. 

Which means if you want to live a long and healthy life, you have to keep your insulin levels in check!  

So how do you do that? 

You can follow Dr. Benjamin Bikman’s 3 Truths of Insulin Sensitivity!

How The 3 Truths of Insulin Sensitivity Will Help You 
Live Longer, Have a Clear Brain, and Build a Strong Body

There are 3 Truths To Insulin Sensitivity that Dr. Benjamin Bikman suggests you follow so you can live a longer life, clear your brain, and have a super strong body. 

The 3 Truths To Insulin Sensitivity are… 

Truth #1 - Control carbohydrates
Processed carbohydrates like refined grains and sugars cause your insulin levels to spike, so it’s best to control the amount of carbohydrates you consume. 

Truth #2 - Prioritize protein 
Prioritize your protein, but not any kind of protein. Animal protein is always best! 

Truth #3 - Fill your remaining calories with fat
Fat has no effect on your insulin levels, so if you have remaining calories or get hungry, eat fat and it won’t affect your insulin. 

Using the 3 truths is the most effective strategy to nourish your body, keep your insulin levels under control, and melt the fat off your body. 

I didn’t know this for THE longest time on my weight loss journey…

But it had the most impact on my life.

In fact, I haven't lost a pound during my breast cancer journey. 

I've maintained my weight because I know exactly what to eat and how to eat.

Become a Fat-Burning Machine in Just 28 Days!

This research finally helped me crack the code to losing weight without going on restrictive diets or working out for hours at the gym each day… 

It made my brain fog go away and I felt superhuman because my energy levels were even and full throughout the day.

I even had a six pack after birthing twins!

I thought I’d never find a weight loss program that’d work for me. 

Which is why I created…

The Fierce Body Reboot Protocol

(This is a digital download)

The Fierce Body Reboot helps you reboot your metabolism and burn fat ALL DAY.

You will see FAST results and you will never feel deprived, restricted, or punished! 

The Fierce Body Reboot Protocol is more than just a meal plan. 

Yes, the Fierce Body Reboot Protocol comes with a delicious meal plan that you’ll love.
But it also provides you with the missing ingredients to add to your routine to 
supercharge your metabolism! 
I didn’t want anyone else to have to go through the hassle of creating meal plans based on Dr. Benjamin Bikman’s 3 Truths to Insulin Sensitivity. 

So I spent the time, energy, and effort to create the Fierce Body Reboot Protocol so you could just focus on turning your body into a fat-burning machine! 

I streamline the process, so you don’t have to overthink every step. It’s easy to execute. 

Most of our clients say, “This is so doable! I can’t believe I’m able to eat this much, and not track anything. I finally feel free from food!”

What’s the Secret Behind the Fierce Body Reboot Protocol?

The secret behind the Fierce Boy Reboot Protocol is THIS…

The order in which you eat food matters to help keep your glucose levels steady. 


Because the order you eat your protein, veggies, and fiber fills you up faster, helps you get crazy good results, and allows you to feel crazy good energy. 

Your body is capable of amazing things, but NOT when you rely on restrictive, ridiculous diet advice, like “Exercise away a bad diet.” 

This is not going to work. 

We do things differently here at Fierce Athletica…

We provide you with support…

We show you a sustainable way to lose weight and keep it off…

And we teach you how to properly nourish and support your body so you can CRUSH your weight loss goals!

Fierce Athletica is a close-knit team of nutrition and fitness experts who are committed to providing people just like you with the resources they need to finally shed those unwanted pounds. 

Together, our team has guided our clients to lose a combined total of more than 135,000 pounds. That’s more than the weight of a Boeing 737! 

Join us today for a more self-confident tomorrow!

Everything You Get With The Fierce Body Reboot Protocol

28 Day Fierce Body Reboot Meal Plan 
The Fierce Body Reboot Meal Plan comes with 28 days of delicious recipes to jump start your weight loss results. It’s built on my Fierce Body Reboot Protocol which focuses on protein, fiber, fat, water, and fasting. 

And this plan is backed by the scientist, Dr. Benjamin Bikman, who studies insulin resistance, weight loss, and why people get sick. In his words, "[This style of eating] just WORKS. It's science."  

$147 VALUE

10 Day Quick Start Workout Guide 
I recorded 10 simple and proven workout videos that you can follow along to each day. Each video is about 45-50 minutes long. I’m right there with ya working out in these videos!


Private Facebook Group Membership For Accountability & Support
We all know that having a sisterhood supporting you makes all the difference! Which is why you will get access to our private Facebook Community of 7,000 active subscribers.

$30/month VALUE

Dessert Guide Recipes - PDF 
Get access to our Sweet Tooth Savor! Yes, this includes delicious recipes that satisfy your sweet tooth! 


COMPLETE Ditch the Drama Emotional Eating Training Guide - Video Trainings
There’s a simple way to beat the cravings and I show you exactly how in my Ditch the Drama Emotional Eating Training. Plus, discover how to maximize your weight loss in seven days!

How to Never Skip Dessert - Video Training
Nothing is wrong with you if you love dessert! And unlike other programs, Fierce Body Reboot encourages you to never skip dessert ever again! 

The Evolutionary Science of Sugar - Video Training
Why do we love sugar SO much?! In this training, I breakdown the evolutionary science behind sugar and why we crave it so much. 

Your Relationship With Sugar - Pleasure vs Joy - Video Training - 
In this training, we dive deep into your relationship with sugar and your favorite treats. We’ll discuss how you can satisfy your sweet tooth and still be in control. 

Using Sugar to Your Advantage - Video Training
There’s a way to use sugar to help you achieve your goals! In this training, we’ll dive deeper into how you can use sugar to your advantage. 

2 Simple Steps to Hack the Sugar System - Video Training
There’s a way to hack your reward system, so you feel like you can have sugar whenever you want, never feeling deprived!

$297 VALUE

That’s a total value of $598! 

But because you’re here reading this page right now, you won’t have to pay half of that. 

In fact, you can get the Fierce Body Reboot Protocol for less than what you’d spend on ONE fancy lunch....

Get Your Digital Download of Fierce Body TODAY

Total Value: $598



Only $47 TODAY!


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14-Day Money Back Guarantee

Fierce Women, Fierce Results

"I struggled for so long trying to find a way to get out of my unhealthy eating habits and feeling down about myself and working with Carli has been the best decision I've ever made. I finally feel like I have control back"

"I have to say, I started the program somewhat skeptical but determined to give it my all. And although I do not have a six pack, I have lost a few pounds. Most importantly, in the last week or so I have noticed a change in my body. My body fat seems to have finally shifted. Not to mention my tummy is flatter than it has been in 7 years. This has been 100% because of the diet change since I’ve not been able to do much in terms of exercise given my diastasis and pinched nerve."

"Carli helped me lose 30 lbs. while strengthening my relationship with myself and my husband. She UNLOCKED my power!"

Featured in...

Don’t Settle for Less… Be Inspired Every Step of The Way!


Why The Fierce Body Reboot Protocol Is PROVEN To Work


  • We're against diets that feel like a full-time job. Who has time to track macros?!
  • ​We know that you can't out-exercise a bad diet. your body needs proper nourishment to function at its best.
  • ​We provide much more than a meal plan; we teach you how your brain and body work so that you can overcome your challenges. 
  • ​We cherish our bodies as already being perfect, and we choose to nourish and support them. 


    •  They tell you that you must count every calorie and track every macro.
    • ​They say you can eat whatever you want as long as you exercise regularly. 
    • ​They'll tell you that a little liposuction will fix all of your problems. 
    • ​They'll hand you a meal plan and exercise guide, and leave you to your own devices.
    • ​They love to tell you that your body is a broken thing and that you need to follow a repressive, restrictive diet to fix it. 


    We hear you. 

    Whether you’re running your own business or working for someone else, there comes a time during the day when your energy starts to fail you and you feel like you absolutely must have a little pick-me-up. 

    More often than not, that comes in the form of a sugary treat. 

    A lot of the women I work with feel like that daily treat is what gets them through the day, and they would be miserable without it.

    But here’s the thing…

    Sugar doesn’t have to control you. 

    We can help you build a healthy relationship with sugar, so it brings you joy and reinforces your fierce decision to create the body of your dreams. 

    You don’t have to give up sugar, instead why not fit into your protocol?

    Get Your Digital Download of Fierce Body TODAY

    Total Value: $598



    Only $47 TODAY!


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    14-Day Money Back Guarantee

    The Fierce Body Reboot Protocol Works For Any Woman!

    Once you try the Fierce Body Reboot Protocol, you’ll see how simple it is to melt away your extra body fat. 

    But first you may have to push through your fears and doubts to try it for yourself. 

    Here are some of the biggest doubts I’ve heard… and why they just aren’t true...

    “But I like food too much...”
    Perfect… The Fierce Body Reboot Protocol will work for you because you get to enjoy all your favorite foods. You’ll lose weight without having to cut out carbs or dessert! 

    “But I’m too fat and sick…”
    By now you’ve seen that the Fierce Body Reboot Protocol is the perfect solution to reset your health while you lose weight. Our clients prove it is safe, effective and fast.

    “But I’m too old…”
    Because my programs aren’t crazy or brutal, any woman can do them. It doesn’t matter if you think you’re too old, if you’re pregnant, or breastfeeding, you can do this! Plus the Fierce Body Reboot Protocol helps you decrease inflammation and increase your youth-enhancing hormones. 

    “But there’s no way I can do this every day...”
    Yes, you can. Once you realize you’re fueling your body, instead of restricting your diet or punishing yourself, then it becomes easy to do this every day! 

    “But I’m only in my 20s…”
    I wish I knew this in my 20s! It would have saved me years of frustration. And I would have avoided a pile of health issues. So the younger you start, the better.

    “But I love Breakfast too much to skip it...”
    If you love breakfast, you don’t have to skip it. You have the freedom to choose when you eat. So if you love breakfast, eat it! 

    “But I have a slow metabolism…”
    The truth is you may have a slow metabolism temporarily because your body isn’t currently optimized to use your food as fuel and melt off your fat. Yet by simply following Fierce Body Reboot, you can restore your metabolism and improve your ability to burn fat!

    Far too many weight loss programs out there will simply hand you a diet and exercise guide… and then leave you on your own. 

    There is little to no support, and no sense of community. 

    At Fierce Athletica, we’re different. We’ve structured our programs to naturally generate success for our Fierce Fighters, and we’re there to help and inspire you every step of the way. 

    What are you waiting for? 

    Let’s work together to reboot your metabolism, your life, and confidence. 


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Do you offer refunds?

    We hope you love all our Fierce Athletica products and services. But there are no refunds on products delivered in electronic (digital) format. All sales are final. No exceptions. However, if you’re unhappy for some reason, please reach out at

    I’ve heard that women shouldn’t follow diets that involve missing meals. Is this true?

    The Fierce Body Reboot Meal Plan has helped thousands of women lose weight. Just look at these results:

    "I struggled for so long trying to find a way to get out of my unhealthy eating habits and feeling down about myself and working with Carli has been the best decision I've ever made. I finally feel like I have control back" - MOLLI P. | MN

    "I have to say, I started the program somewhat skeptical but determined to give it my all. And although I do not have a six pack, I have lost a few pounds. Most importantly, in the last week or so I have noticed a change in my body. My body fat seems to have finally shifted. Not to mention my tummy is flatter than it has been in 7 years. This has been 100% because of the diet change since I’ve not been able to do much in terms of exercise given my diastasis and pinched nerve."- SARAH | CA

    "Carli helped me lose 30 lbs. while strengthening my relationship with myself and my husband. She UNLOCKED my power!"- JESSI | CA

    Can I continue using the Fierce Body Reboot Meal Plan after the 28 days are over?

    The best part of The Fierce Body Reboot Meal Plan is that you can use it for as long as you need. And you can use it to lose as much weight as you want. I make it super simple to continue using everything you learn indefinitely!

    Will I gain all my weight back?

    Unlike other diet programs, this is not a “quick-fix” solution. 28 days is only the beginning to a lifetime of better health and a slimmer body. If I’ve done my job right, you’ll understand how to eat anytime, anywhere forever without me and without the Fierce Body Reboot meal plan.

    I don't have a lot of time in the day. Is this hard to follow?

    If you’re a busy woman, then this program was made for you. I designed this program to be super simple and take as little time as possible from you each day. The recipes are quick and easy to make. You’ll always have a delicious, satisfying meal.

    Is the Fierce Body Reboot Protocol healthy for me in the long run?

    I’ve been following the Fierce Body Reboot for years. And according to the research, yes. Intermittent fasting promotes health in many ways, including decreasing inflammation, activating autophagic pathways, and decreasing your body’s total toxin load.

    I really want to try this, but I'm worried that I'm too old. Is the Fierce Body Reboot Protocol appropriate for someone who is their 50s or 60s?

    Absolutely. Many of our best transformations have come from people over the age of 50. However, we always suggest checking with your healthcare professional before starting any new weight loss program. 

    What If I have food allergies?

    Substitute foods as needed. If it is protein, substitute it for another protein source. If it is fat, substitute it for another fat source.

    Will this work for a man?

    YES, absolutely!

    Get Your Digital Download of Fierce Body TODAY

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